
Tuesday, November 10

Back in Action

Here in Australia, we do not celebrate Halloween with the passion of America but it is slowly catching on (with a big push from the retail sector). Now I don't care for Halloween myself but I understand that the children have a lot of fun dressing up and ending the night with loads of sweets and I don't have the heart to send children away from my door with nothing. Last year I had about 10 children knocking on my door, so this year I made up a few bags of goodies (chocolates, lollies, balloons and mini games ) and baked some cupcakes .

I even brought out my black widow cloak from storage and waited, and waited, and waited. No one came to the door. They were around but not in our street. I even put balloons on the letter box......but nothing !!! Sometimes you just can't win. Oh well, maybe next year.

I even used and American recipe - Red Velvet Cake. I liked the idea of a red cake mix which looked like blood (YUCK) and what better accomplishment but spiders.

This all happened the night before I left to play with my Sydney grandchildren. I have played, fed, changed, bathed, babysat, cuddled and done a little craft with them as well as completing a mini album for Isla for her 7th Birthday. Let me tell you, I am EXHAUSTED. I have to admit that I am no longer as young as I would like to be. I almost fell asleep on the flight home yesterday.

I have loads of photos to share with you but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Cheers for now,

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